Partners in SEADITO


Aalborg University coordinates the overall SEADITO project, ensuring that the work is aligned with the objectives and timeline. Their expertise lies in sustainability and planning, contributing to the integration of social-ecological models for marine management. Additionally, they play a crucial role in coordinating transdisciplinary collaborations among partners.


The Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (Maanmittauslaitos) brings its expertise in geoinformatics and cartography to the project. They contribute by providing advanced spatial analysis tools and geographic data critical for marine spatial planning. Their role includes the development of decision-support systems for mapping and analyzing marine ecosystems.


The Finnish Environment Institute focuses on research in marine and freshwater environments, contributing valuable environmental data and analysis. They are involved in ecosystem-based management, providing insights into sustainable practices for ocean health. Their work also includes monitoring environmental impacts and integrating this data into social-ecological models.


SINTEF Digital specializes in technological research, focusing on sustainable communication technologies for the SEADITO project. They contribute innovative solutions in data infrastructure and digital technologies, supporting the development of digital twin models for oceans. Their role also includes prototyping and testing new approaches for integrating technology with marine data.


SINTEF Ocean is responsible for research related to fisheries, marine industries, and biomarine sustainability. They provide expertise in ocean ecosystem management and work on developing tools for assessing human impacts on marine environments. Their involvement includes collaborating on ecosystem-based management and testing these solutions in real-world case studies.


The Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology contributes to the SEADITO project by conducting research on marine ecosystems, focusing on the Baltic Sea. Their expertise includes studying the effects of human activities on marine habitats and ecosystem services. They also help design tools to assess environmental pressures and support sustainable marine management.


This research institute specializes in marine and coastal ecosystem dynamics, particularly in the Baltic Sea. They contribute scientific knowledge on marine biodiversity, ecological processes, and the impact of climate change. Their role in the project includes providing data and models for better understanding and managing marine ecosystems.


The University of Girona is involved in marine ecosystem research, focusing on integrating social-ecological indicators for sustainable ocean management. They contribute to developing and testing decision-support tools and platforms within the SEADITO framework. Their research also explores cultural and behavioral aspects of ecosystem management, integrating these into the project’s digital twin model.


The Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) provides cutting-edge research in environmental and marine sciences. They collaborate on the development of social-ecological models and provide technical expertise in marine conservation. Their role includes ensuring that research outcomes align with the broader objectives of sustainability and ecosystem resilience.


The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research offers extensive knowledge of the Mediterranean Sea, contributing to case studies and the application of ecosystem-based management. Their research includes studying biodiversity, fisheries, and environmental pressures in marine ecosystems. They also play a role in integrating Mediterranean-specific data into the decision-support tools being developed for the SEADITO project.


The Finnish Centre for Economic Development, Transport and The Environment contributes expertise in environmental policy and sustainable development. They work on aligning the project’s goals with policy frameworks for marine and coastal management. Additionally, they support the project by offering insights into how environmental data can inform policy-making for sustainable economic development in marine areas.


This organization focuses on the sustainable development of local fisheries and marine resources in the Costa Brava region. They contribute by engaging local stakeholders and promoting community-driven approaches to marine management. Their role also includes ensuring that project outcomes benefit local fisheries and contribute to the region’s environmental sustainability.


Oslo Municipality participates as a policy maker, with a focus on urban coastal planning and sustainable marine spatial management. They contribute insights into how city policies can align with marine ecosystem protection and sustainable blue growth. Their role also includes engaging stakeholders in the co-design of solutions that benefit both urban development and marine ecosystems.


The Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre promotes sustainable development in the Mediterranean by supporting policy development and regional cooperation. They provide expertise on environmental governance and contribute to case studies involving ecosystem-based management. Their work ensures that the SEADITO project aligns with regional strategies for sustainable coastal and marine management.

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