Program for SEADITO kick-off 2024

SEADITO Kick-off Conference 18th September 2024

Oslo Rådhus, Bankettsalen
Rådhusplassen 1, 0037 Oslo

Welcome to Oslo

The EU project SEADITO under the Horizon Europe program, kicks off in September 2024 and lasts for three years until August 2027. The project is part of the European digital twin ocean initiative and has a specific focus on providing socio-ecological analysis and models in order to support the management of seas, coastal, and inland waters.

Socio-ecological models will look at the relationship between different perspectives such as natural accounting and conservation and restoration of nature in relation to society’s interests (state, municipal and industrial) and conflicts that arise in the balance between these.

In the project, there are six case study areas covering different coastal/sea areas in Europe. Oslo Fjord is one of these, which will work with pilot activities related to issues that can be analysed through digital twins for the Oslo Fjord, with access to information about the fjord’s condition and biodiversity.

Agenda for the open seminar in Oslo

9:00-10:00 Registration and welcome coffee

10:00-10:30 Welcome to Oslo and the SEADITO kick-off
Welcome to Oslo. Eirik Lae Solberg, Governing Mayor of Oslo
Welcome to SEADITO. Henning Sten Hansen, Aalborg University

10:30-11:30 Digital Twin Ocean initiatives
EDITO – EU DTO. Marina Tonani, Mercator Ocean (online)
Iliad DTOs and European Data Spaces. Arne Berre, SINTEF Digital


11:45-12:30: Other social-ecological modelling initiatives for DTOs
EcoTwin – Emulating complex causal socio-ecological models in digital twins of ocean. Biswajit Basu, Trinity college / Simon Keeble, Blue Lobster
SEADOTs – Social-Ecological ocean management Applications with Digital Ocean Twins. Ute Brönner, SINTEF Ocean
SURIMI – Integration of innovative and reliable socio-ecological models and user-driven solutions into the Digital Twin Ocean, to facilitate what-if scenarios and decision support, under a co-creation approach. Patrycja Antosz, NORCE


13:30-14:30 Social-ecological perspectives and the marine environment
The social-ecological dimension. HELCOM Representative, HELCOM (online)
Oslo Fjord. Eva Næss Karlsen, Osloregionen, Lene Lad Johansen, SINTEF Digital, and Even Moland, Norwegian Institute of Marine Research

14:30-15:10 The SEADITO approach – part 1
Introduction to SEADITO. Project coordinator Henning Sten Hansen, Aalborg University
Restoring oceans and waters – in a regional perspective. Miriam von Thenen, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research


15:40 – 16:30 The SEADITO approach – part 2
Social-ecological model frameworks and indicators. Erasmia Kastenidi, Hellenic Centre of Marine Research, and Tin-Yu Lai, Finnish Environment Institute
Technical implementation of social-ecological data and models supporting DTOs., Pyry Kettunen, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, and Arne Berre, SINTEF Digital
Concluding remarks. Henning Sten Hansen, Aalborg University


Are you a member of the SEADITO consortium? Then we kindly ask you to use a separate registration form when registering, located here.

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